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Yea Arts Inc

Our Vision

We want to live in a thriving Arts community

Join Us

We need you to help us realise our vision. At only $15 per year, we offer a range of benefits and activities. Learn more and join here. If you're not able to join but would still like to hear about our activities via email, you can subscribe here.


The year's not half over, and we've wrapped three touring shows already plus we've done two performances of our home-grown Shakespeare feature, “Wooing, Warring and Wanton Words by Will”. We're busy doing some less obvious things … a Stage Lighting training course for young folk as well as a special show aimed just at primary school kids. To stay abreast of what shows we're doing for adult audiences, keep a regular eye on our Events page!


  • Showtime!
    We're finding some of the best shows available in Victoria - theatre, spoken word, music - and bringing them to the district for your enjoyment.
    We recognise that locally-created theatre is important, so we produce fresh shows here, too. We support local writers when we can, and always provide opportunities for local people to act, learn and practise technical skills, and have lesser-skilled roles as well.
  • pLATform Youth Theatre
    Our youth will sustain our vision into the future, so we will seek opportunities to involve them in creative endeavours - offering workshops and theatre practice leading to show development.
  • Musicians
    There are many musical people in the district, and we're creating opportunities for showcase performances. This will include supporting slots in other YAI events as well as creating concerts from scratch.
  • Fine & Visual Arts
    Practitioners of other art forms including painting, drawing, ceramics and sculpture will be given exhibition and development opportunities through Yea Arts; we will support exhibitions by local artists where possible, and show visual artwork whenever we gather audiences, such as at performance events.
  • Yea Arts Hub
    Our executive is working on a plan to create an Arts precinct centred on the Yea Railway Station. This will involve creating a committee of management and consulting broadly with the community to develop a strategic plan for the use of the space.

©2024 Yea Arts Inc | ABN 66223441230